Solutions for Troubled Times
Peggy Napier Peggy Napier

Solutions for Troubled Times

This article was published by Dr. Joseph Mercola.

To protect your finances, you need to find a good bank you can trust, and build a relationship with your banker, so that when there’s a problem, you can call them and they know who you are

The debt growth model has come to an end, and the race is now on to acquire all the hard assets — land, precious metals, food, water and minerals. The globalist cabal has intentionally directed people toward crypto to move their money out of hard assets into crypto

Digital technology can help us decentralize and build new wealth, but it's not being used that way. Instead, it’s being used to centralize control, which siphons wealth out

There’s reason to suspect a massive cyberattack on the banking system may take place sometime in 2024. This may then be used to usher in a Cyber Patriot Act, which will require you to obtain authorization through your digital identity to access the internet

Connect with your state legislators and urge them to implement a state bank or other independent state payment mechanisms to protect the financial sovereignty of your state

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Blacklisting and Censorship Violates Freedom of Thought, Speech and Conscience
Peggy Napier Peggy Napier

Blacklisting and Censorship Violates Freedom of Thought, Speech and Conscience

This article was published by Dr. Joseph Mercola.

Story at-a-glance

This is a commentary about a special report that was researched and written on the systematic abuse of parents with vaccine injured children and the silencing of information published by NVIC
Entitled “The Silencing of Barbara Loe Fisher and the National Vaccine Information Center in the Digital Public Square: A Violation of Freedom of Thought, Speech and Conscience,” the report is anchored with more than 300 live linked references
In my report, I take the reader on a chronological step-by-step journey from 1982 through 2023, giving an overview of the history of the vaccine safety and informed consent movement in America against the backdrop of the creation of a global mass vaccination infrastructure facilitated by public-private business partnerships encouraged and funded by Congress
I have connected the dots so the reader can appreciate the scope and influence of the great wealth and political power held by those who have built the spider web of a global infrastructure institutionalizing censorship of freedom of thought, speech and conscience about vaccination and health, especially in the new digital public square
Please read my report and share it with everyone you know. Join NVIC’s mission and take action to educate your friends, family and community about vaccination, health and autonomy

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MISES WIRE: The Parasitic Rich Men North of Richmond
Peggy Napier Peggy Napier

MISES WIRE: The Parasitic Rich Men North of Richmond

This article is reprinted from the Mises Wire.

Having heard the song referred to in this article on several occasions and taken it apart a bit on my own, I couldn't help but share this insightful article from the Mises Wire. It says everything I have thought about and much more. When you search the word "rich" on YouTube, it is the first thing that pops up. That should tell us a lot. The American people are a lot more aware and awake that most of us realize we are.

Fair warning there is some "language" in the video, which I will also share at the end of the article.

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Information Compliance — Bill Passed to Demolish Free Speech
Peggy Napier Peggy Napier

Information Compliance — Bill Passed to Demolish Free Speech

This article was written by Dr. Joseph Mercola.

Story at-a-glance

September 19, 2023, the U.K. passed a new law to censor online content. The Online Safety Bill has been described as "one of the most far-reaching attempts by Western democracy to regulate online speech"

The bill has been in the works for the last five years, again proving that online censorship is not something that sprang up in response to COVID

In addition to stricter regulations on pornography and content that promotes suicide and self-harm, "vaccine misinformation" and any other material that may be "harmful to health" is also barred under the bill

The European Union's Digital Services Act (DSA) also recently took effect, and it too requires online companies to actively police their platforms

September 29, 2023, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) also announced all "online streaming services that offer podcasts" must now register and conform to regulatory controls

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The Lies of Revisionist History: In Defense of Christopher Columbus
Peggy Napier Peggy Napier

The Lies of Revisionist History: In Defense of Christopher Columbus

This year on Columbus Day, I was aware, as many were, of vulgar memes on social media platforms, symbolizing the inaccuracies and downright lies of the revisionist historians concerning Christopher Columbus.

The left has increasingly characterized Christopher Columbus as a genocidal maniac in an attempt, in my view, to also portray the "white man" as the enemy of all native peoples. This attempt is nothing more than a concerted effort to make Americans hate their country by making them hate the very foundations of our civilization.

Indeed, there were atrocities committed against native people by some white men, and we make no excuses for them. But we must examine our history honestly if we are to move forward in any meaningful way.

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How Big Pharma Bought the Federal Government
Peggy Napier Peggy Napier

How Big Pharma Bought the Federal Government

This article was written by Dr. Joseph Mercola.

Story at-a-glance

The gross malfeasance observed throughout COVID-19 has opened many people's eyes to the immense corruption within our government
This corruption has been gradually growing over decades, and at this point numerous well-established mechanisms exist for the pharmaceutical industry to buy out federal employees, guideline committees, and regulatory agencies
Much of that corruption has been directly orchestrated by Anthony Fauci, a man who is directly responsible for making the American government no longer serve its people — while being paid handsomely for doing so
Addressing the root causes of this corruption is vital for the future of our nation and necessary to prevent something even worse than what we witnessed throughout COVID-19 from being enacted in the future

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Don't You Bark at Me, Bully, I Do Not Consent
Peggy Napier Peggy Napier

Don't You Bark at Me, Bully, I Do Not Consent

This article was published by Dr. Joseph Mercola.

Story at-a-glance

Sadly, we are living under a mob, and we are witnessing a giant money laundering scheme
The money laundering scheme is much easier for the mobsters to pull off if we comply — either due to being enchanted or due to being coerced
The attack on the dissidents and on the so-called "misinformation spreaders" is a way for the mobsters to ensure "consent"
Bullies only stop when they face pushback, otherwise they keep on bullying
If we don't push back against absurdities, we'll end up with feudalism — and feudalism is not fu

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