Harmony With Nature

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Don't You Bark at Me, Bully, I Do Not Consent

This article was published by Dr. Joseph Mercola. www.mercola.com

Story at-a-glance

  • Sadly, we are living under a mob, and we are witnessing a giant money laundering scheme

  • The money laundering scheme is much easier for the mobsters to pull off if we comply — either due to being enchanted or due to being coerced

  • The attack on the dissidents and on the so-called "misinformation spreaders" is a way for the mobsters to ensure "consent"

  • Bullies only stop when they face pushback, otherwise they keep on bullying

  • If we don't push back against absurdities, we'll end up with feudalism — and feudalism is not fu

Do the Bullies Quit Without Getting a Pushback? No

This peasant has a rhetorical question: when was the last time a big politician tasted unprecedented power over the masses acting receptive to the boot — and voluntarily let it go? When was the last time a mobster launched a lucrative money laundering Ponzi scheme — and then voluntarily ended it prior to squeezing the very last penny out of his prey? Can you please help me out with the answers? Do you know?

Me now, I am a skeptical Soviet expat. As a child in Moscow, I sang and danced at the ruins of the USSR — and then observed how every business and every politician became the property of the mob. I observed how the children of the communist party leaders became the new "capitalist" elite, etc. I saw this dynamic in action. When I see a mob, I recognize a mob. Sadly, we are under a mob.

Yes, we are under a mob — and frankly, we have been living under a mob for a while. But prior to 2020, the mob was "nice" to your average productive Westerner and left us largely alone unless one got in the way of Big Money — then, in 2020, they formally adopted a new, Soviet-like instruction manual, a totalitarian marketing brochure, and a universally authoritarian tone.

And it was in 2020 that many people discovered for the first time what it feels like to be stomped upon with a big boot. That hurt a lot. That still hurts.

The Boot

The yelling, the shaming, the censorship, the control, the humiliation, the closure of businesses, the segregation rules, the denial of people's right to work for making independent medical choices, the hospital cruelty, the glorification of nonsense, the hypnotic trance — all of it was so ridiculously destructive that the sheer scale of that insult hurts.

I believe that putting us, the former regular productive Westerners, in a perpetually hurting, dejected, traumatized state was one of the bullies' sadistic goals. As a matter of pushing back, it is on us to spit out the bait of continuous pain — to lick our wounds as much as we need to lick them — but then scream and shake ourselves out of the hurting state, help each other get over the pain that they deliberately gave us, and stand joyous and tall.

I really believe this with passion, I believe that the best response to the bullies is being bigger than out pain and standing tall.

Money Printing and Wealth Transfer

As far as the financial sleight of hand goes, the mobsters have been rather unoriginal so far. As they barked at us and spoke to us in this newly adopted authoritarian tone — as they tried to scare and hypnotize the masses — they were also printing unprecedented amounts of money and accommodating a massively giant wealth transfer from the pockets of the regular hardworking people — and straight into theirs. That. mind you, was the entire point.

How much are we talking? A lot! The American "COVID relief" alone was close to 5 trillion dollars. Here is CNBC from last year: "Beginning under then-President Donald Trump and continuing through President Joe Biden's administration, Congress has approved some $4.5 trillion in total aid spending, according to Treasury Department data.

Federal agencies have formally committed to using about $4 trillion of that, and have made $3.5 trillion in actual payments to date." And currently, according to the Treasury Department, the total COVID relief spending is around 4.3 trillion, with a total commitment of 4.6 trillion and a total of 4.7 trillion available.

Yes, financial sleight of hand and control were the entire point, and they seem to enjoy rubbing it in, too.

Adding Insult to the Injury

Here is a gem from the World Economic Forum from October 2020:

And here is the concerned establishment mouthpiece, the Guardian (also from October 2020):

Don't you tell, aspiring feudal masters, don't you tell. A year later, in October 2021, Newsweek published this:

"When historians look back on the decisions made beginning in March 2020 and still going strong, this period will be remembered as the "Great Consolidation" — the acceleration of a historic wealth transfer and power concentration out of the hands of the middle class and into those with political power and connections.

"The 'connected' form a powerful bloc comprised of big government, big business and big special interests. And though their monikers label them "big," they are comprised of relatively small elites.

"And they are seeking to use their power to benefit themselves at your expense. Prior to COVID, more than 30 million small businesses accounted for about half the GDP and jobs in America; the other half of the economy was concentrated in 20,000 big companies.

"[However,] big firms were deemed "essential" and allowed to stay open during the pandemic, while small businesses were subjected to punishing lockdown orders and forced to close, in part or completely. Many of the examples were doubly infuriating given the absurd hypocrisies they presented.

"For example, big box pet retailers like PetSmart that groomed pet hair and nails were deemed essential — while salons owned by small business owners that served humans were not."

Meanwhile, the New York Times, the relentless paper of record (whose record?) insisted that money printing was just fine! Here is from March 2022:

"Stimulus bills approved by Congress beginning in 2020 unleashed the largest flood of federal money into the United States economy in recorded history. Roughly $5 trillion went to households, mom-and-pop shops, restaurants, airlines, hospitals, local governments, schools and other institutions around the country grappling with the blow inflicted by Covid-19.

Economists largely credit these financial jolts with helping the U.S. economy [whose economy?] recover more quickly than it otherwise would have from the largest downturn since the Great Depression: The pandemic recession was the shortest on record, lasting only three months."

All is fantastic! All is good! Never mind the fact that right now, you go to the store, buy two cucumbers and a bar of soap — and you pay so much that it feels like you just treated yourself to a gift. That pesky evidence of your own eyes? You know what to do with it — just discard it and celebrate your two cucumbers and your bar of soap!

The Extremely Dangerous Virus of Dissent: You Better Watch Out

Ironically, the post-2020 trajectory of the West is a "reverse" version of what happened in the 1990s in the USSR. Back then, it went from the "communist" rule to the open mob "capitalist" rule — and now the mobsters are trying to force the "capitalist" Westerners into a slightly more modern version of the USSR.

Yes, yes, yes, our kindly lords, it is the dissidents and the "anti-vaxxers" who are to blame for the sadness of this world.

It is the dissidents who are to blame for the emptiness of your souls, for your greed, for your cruelty, for your very corrupt and nepotistic "public-private partnerships," for your mafia rule, for your propaganda machine, for your dirty factories where your servants make substandard pharmaceutical products that you then force onto formerly free citizens by bullying, as well as for inflation, for the extremely high food prices, and the rude cashiers.

It's the dissidents' fault. And if more people choose to get injected with your cocktail and — correlation not causation — feel not so good, that, too, will be the dissidents' fault!!

Another Round of the Groundhog Day

I began this story with a sarcastic question about the last time a politician tasted unprecedented power over the docile masses and voluntarily let it go. Has it ever happened in history at all? Once? I don't think so. Hence, the question is, if they try to pull a 2020 on us again, what will do you?

Hooray, Hooray, Free COVID Tests Are Here (Again … but Why?)


"The Department of Health and Human Services, through its Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response, is making a $600 million investment in manufacturing of COVID tests.

"The money has been awarded to 12 U.S. manufacturers and will buy 200 million tests… The first batch of free rapid tests by mail went out during the Omicron wave of January 2022 — that was the apex of COVID infection seen so far. The free test offer was renewed several times, with a total of 755 million free tests distributed.

The government suggests you don't throw out unused tests even if the expiration date has passed. First, check the lot numbers of any you have on hand at COVIDtests.gov — the expiration dates for many have been extended and the website will list them [emphasis mine]."

These tests (and the NPR) are worse than Pravda! The Soviet newspapers could at least moonlight as rough toilet paper — but these COVID tests? What are they good for?

The Glorious Golden Goose

Did anyone dare dream that the "COVID vaccines" would go away or fade into the background? Don't be cruel to Pfizer, Moderna, and BlackRock! Here is Paul Offit, recommending the updated shots on FOX. There is so much cringe and tragedy in this video that I am compelled to do the unspeakable and issue a trigger warning of sorts. It's cringe!

Who Owns Our Bodies, Anyway?

At some point, one begins to wonder about the basics. Who owns our bodies? Is it the politicians? The pharmaceutical executives? The journos on TV? Why did they all give themselves permission to bark at us and coerce us? On what grounds? Have they completely lost their marbles? Did they ever even have them? Do they think we forgot how to ignore them and love ourselves and be dignified?

It's been three and a half years of extremely offensive barking, three and a half years of stealth behavioral modification, three and a half years of demands for absurd behavior. Too much! We are not responsible for their spiritual hunger that they try to quelch by bullying. We are not to be bullied any longer. We shall stay tall and dignified.

"You Are so Selfish"

I would like to end the story with a tongue-in-cheek cartoon about one selfish man who didn't want to "clap for the NHS." It is a great carton except, if I were him, I would insist on my right to ignore the rage of the bully and stick around.

About the Author To find more of Tessa Lena's work, be sure to check out her bio, Tessa Fights Robots.